Services | Cromozinco | Croma

Croma - Leader in Shopping Carts


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CROMA is recognized for the service quality, speed and versatility it provides to its customers throughout the country. Aiming to meet customer satisfaction and diversify the services it provides, the group has CromoZinco Indústria Metalúrgica, a company specializing in remodeling grocery carts using the most modern and efficient processes for the renovation of these products.

The processes used by Cromozinco to ensure high quality during the remodeling process of the shopping carts include alignment of the body and the basket, dipping baths for degreasing and acid for cleaning, electrolytic plating process through dipping baths with a zinc layer of approximately 18 to 20 microns and 24-hour salinity tests without white corrosion.

Our services include complete disassembly process of the carts and the subsequent completion of the product with customized finishes. Moreover, the company has its own truck fleet to deliver and collect products, at no additional cost in the state of Rio Grande do Sul

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